Ringsted Festival '10!

Thea and I went to the festival spot at about 4.30pm Thursday and after a bit of struggling we met Kevin, got our bracelets and got in. They were still trying out the sound, putting up stuff and such and we got to our booth (read: steel cage) where we met Lise. We found out that our booth were in a perfect place; we could see the big stage, which was great!


Thea on the first day.

This day went by really chill; we listened to Mike Tramp from our booth and met Henning and his new girlfriend. Henning is my dad's cousin's husband. My dad's cousin died a few years ago, and I hadn't really seen Henning since that, so it was nice seeing him again! I also met my dad, who was drunk as fuck! But he was amusing. At some point Thea and I went for a walk around the grounds with our friends, Katja and Andreas. There were a lot of cool stalls, where you could buy ANYTHING! I actually bought a pair of panties! We also got to see the Love Island. Kind of gross, really. There were a bar, couches and they played old, Danish music.

We went back to our booth and some other friends, Wiimh and her boyfriend Marc, came by. They waited with us for an hour or so, and then we went to see Rasmus Seebach at the big stage. Our spot wasn't really that good, but we could see everything! Rasmus Seebach was great and in the middle of the second song I fought my way up to 5th row or so. But I decided to go back to the others. Thea went back to the booth; her, Kevin and I had gone to see Rasmus and Lise wanted to see him too. Katja, Andreas, Kevin and I went a little closer to the stage and just danced and sang along to all the great songs! Thea came back and we saw the rest of his performance. He played his biggest hit "Engel" twice, and even though I kind of hate the song I couldn't help but have fun!

Afterwards Thea and I went home, and apparently I fell asleep kind of quick. Hmmm, guess I was tired!

Next morning we got up quite early… Or Thea did. I demanded that she was the one to shower first, so I could sleep a little more. We both got some breakfast, put on some make-up and my mom drove us to the festival spot. And she gave us both a Red Bull, woo! We came about an hour before Magtens Korridorer played, and after getting settled Thea and I ran to the big stage.

It was SO hot and I was wearing a Ringsted Festival tee; black, thick fabric… Unbearable. But Magtens Korridorer was great live, and Johan (the leadsinger) had a great energy!

Magtens Korridorer (Click the thumbs to make them bigger).

Afterwards Thea and I went back to "work". We listened to Thomas Helmig and Medina, who both played on the big scene, while we played cards. I also got to read a little, and I met one of my neighbors, Marianne, who worked in one of the bars.

At about 8.50pm Thea and Kevin left, so they could hold a good spot for us in the tent, where Dúné was going to play about half an hour later. I waited for Lise to come back, and then I ran like a mad man! Bad thing was; I couldn't remember where the tent was! Damn. But I found it and fought my way up to Thea. We were standing at 4th or 3rd row, with some tall person in front of me and a stupid ass bitch dancing next to me. The bitch kept hitting me in the face with her arm, on purpose. Yes, she told one of her friends that she wanted to push me back. Well… I pushed back and got up on 2nd row. Bitch.

I had seen Dúné live once before, and they were really great back then. They certainly didn't disappoint me; they had so much great energy and I couldn't help but get so happy! Some highlights were; Ole smiling at me, Ole locking eyes with me and making a kissing motion with his lips, holding hands with Mattias… Aw!


Dúné (Click the thumbs to make them bigger).

Afterwards we got our pictures taken with Mattias, Piotrek and Danny. I feel proud; I was the first one to ask for pictures. But it was kind of embarrassing, because there was this weird table between us and the guys.

Thea, Katja, Andreas and I went to get something to drink while Dizzy Mizz Lizzy played. We danced around the festival and went to another tent, to see DJ Kato and Morten Breum. We got a great stopped, had fun, partied and danced! There’s not much to say about the DJs other than they did great; Kato actually played an unreleased, all new song! A couple of minutes into Morten Breum’s set I got really ill and we decided to leave.

Not much to say after that. The festival was great and I am SO going to go back next year! If there's a "cellphone charging booth" next year, I'm going to work there. For sure!


Finally it's up, huh? Sorry, that I haven't blogged that much but I'm going to make up for it as soon as possible with a lot of CONCERTS-posts (Kill Hannah, Dúné x 2 and Medina) and lots of other great stuff! Stay tuned.

Minor makeover

A couple of days ago I was seriously bored, so I moved around on a few posters. I decided that it wasn't enough, so I found some old "autograph cards" from German magazines (BRAVO mostly) and taped them on my bookcase. I also put some pictures and such up. It looks so cool, right now!
I can't really do anything serious with my room, since we don't own the apartment; I can't paint the walls or do anything that causes too much damage on the room. Plus, there's not much space so I can't move any furnitures around. At least not that much.
I'm going to put up some more posters on the walls, but I really don't want to. My mom is always talking about how she wants to move, and I don't want to put all my posters up and then have to take them down a month later.

And I'm sorry for not blogging about the festival (or anything else for that matter) yet. Everything is just school, school, school. And I've been home yesterday and today, because I've been quite ill. But I'm feeling better and I'm going to school tomorrow!

Take care, until I see you all!

Pictures from Nykøbing Sjælland

Rico sleeping.

My aunt Lone, playing miniature golf.

Rico, aunt Lone, Kaya and my cousin Maria.

My grandma's maaaad skills!

My uncle Lars and aunt Mercy.

One of the best chocolate cakes I've ever tasted, and bananasplit ice cream.


Just some pictures from my trip to a cottage in Nykøbing Sjælland. It was a nice, relaxed week. I'll tell you about the Ringsted Festival as soon as possible, I promise.

+ I started in school yesterday. It's actually okay, but I'm pretty exhausted right now.


I've had two amazing days on Ringsted Festival, listening to and seeing some great artists! I would love to tell you all about it right now, but I have to pack because I'm leaving in a couple of hours; vacation with the family!

I'll see you all in a week, where I'll probably have a lot more to tell, which means; MAJOR BLOGGING!

Take care!

Berlin 2010 PT. III


Berlin 2010 picspam! Click the thumbnails to make them bigger.


Madame Tussaud's.
This was definitely one of the highlights of the vacation! Madame Tussaud's in Berlin have only been open for 2 years, but there's already quite a lot figurines showing both celebrities and historic people. There was everyone from Freud and Einstein to Bono and Heidi Klum. It was amazing to see and touch them, because most of them seemed so real. To make it even better, there was a sign that encouraged visitors to touch and interact with the figures.

But the moneymaker was Bill Kaulitz. I had been going on and on about how the figurine didn't look like him at all (which, I was right about) and I wouldn't get excited when I saw it... Oh well, I did. I kept touching it, looking at it, getting pictures taken with it. It was easy to see that they protected it well; every time there were a lot of people in the section Bill was standing in, an employee at the wax museum came to check out what was happening. It was understandable though, since someone had ripped one of his nails off. But seeing it/him was a perfect fangirl moment for me.


Zoo and Aquarium.
Despite what some people think or say, I find zoos great. They take care of animals, so they won't get extinct. I liked the zoo, especially the feline section; they had lions, ocelots, sand cats, tigers, leopards, black panthers and lots of other cute and cuddly cats. The nocturnal section was also really cool, even though some of the animals scared me a bit!

The aquarium was so amazing! I'm not that into fish and underwater-stuff, but the aquarium looked great inside out! It was in three floors, and not only with underwater animals, but with insects, frogs, snakes and the likes. I was really surprised, I have to admit.


The shopping possibilities… Oh wauw. Whether it was on the Ku'Damm or in ARKADEN I was pleased with everything. And, as you can see in my previous post, I got to shop a lot. I really wish I had more days, so I could use all my money, but I didn't. Shopping in Berlin is something I can recommend.


I've been in the TV tower twice before, but both times was in the daytime. Because it was too hot to go outside when the sun was up, Thea and I decided to go out at about 10PM. The football finale was shown on different bars and restaurants, so there was an amazing atmosphere everywhere, and the city was filled with happy football fans.

After a long U-bahn ride, we came to the TV tower, bought our ticket and got up... Wow! The city looked beautiful, lit up by a million lights. It was hard to take pictures without flash, and I only got two good ones but I still remember how it looked. And they showed the football match in the bar in the TV tower (I hoped for the Dutch team to win, but that's life).


Overall impression.
I love Berlin, and this trip just made my love bigger. The city is amazing, even though I sometimes got really sad when I saw all the homeless people and the gypsies. Plus, when it's a really hot summer day in Berlin the sewers stink! But you forget about it, when you have as much fun as I did. I'm sure that I'm going back next year.


So this was the highlights of my trip to Berlin. Picspam will come asap!


I'm baaack; stay tuned for more.

Metro Station

1 year ago, I went to a concert. A concert that simply changed my life; a concert with Metro Station. Why it changed my life?

I met them. I had won meet&greet, and meeting one of my favorite band was amazing. They're all so cool and sweet, and especially Trace. We got told that we weren't allowed to grab the guys or anything, but Trace took my hand and shook it. He said to most of the girls: "Hey beautiful," but not me. He looked me up and down, then into my eyes and said:

"Hey babe. You look gorgeous."

It's pretty easy to see that I have/had a big crush on him, huh?

Metro Station and I.

Seeing that photograph really brings me back. I remember how they all giggled, because my camera wouldn't take the picture and Mason said: "What's happening?"
Trace and I look like shit, because I grabbed his ass. He asked for another photo, but we didn't have any time.

I miss that day. I miss the band, their music, waiting for them with fans around the country who came to see them. I hope that Trace will come to Denmark with his new "band", Ashland High. If he does; I'll be there.

20.06.09 <3


Danish summerdish.

It's summertime, dude!

We had the best weather Friday, Saturday and Sunday, it's so great! Yesterday it was raining and today is not that warm, but it's not going to keep me from eating strawberries and wearing hotpants! I really love summer, it's probably my favorite season, and I can't wait to go out and have fun in the sun – cheesy, but still true.

I've already told you about some of my plans this summer, but I have some new ones; I'm probably going to Midsummer's Eve in Glumsø, it used to be a lot of fun when I was younger, but since I moved to Ringsted I haven't gone in a couple of years. This way I'll be able to see some of my old "friends" and Mick, a friend of mine. And Thea of course!

Thea also told Ida and me that she would talk with her dad, about us staying at his place this summer. Thea and I did in 2008, and it was really fun. We're going to stay in a very small mobile home, like last time, and it's actually okay, even though I'm not into that type of vacation.

Besides that I'm hoping to go to some concerts, maybe even on Ophelia Beach again if some great artists are coming. I've looked on their website, but they haven't added any new ones yet, but I'll be checking a couple of times every week.

Skanky hoes

Because when we arrive, 
we bring the fire.
Make you come alive,
we can take you higher.
What this is?
We must now remind you.
Let it rock, let it rock, let it rock.

Thea and Ida?
I love you. <3

Amazing weekend/CONCERTS: Ginger Ninja in Glumsø.


I took the train to Glumsø, and was there at about 3PM. I went to the local supermarket to get a Red Bull, but guess what?
So I bought a Coke and some gum. I got a little panicky, because I usually drink Red Bull when I'm on the train. Don't know why, I just like it.
I waited for Thea and Ida, they were cycling from Thea's place to the city, and… It was pretty boring.

"The ice is unsafe". We're in the middle of May, I bet it's unsafe!

They finally arrived and we went to the supermarket AGAIN, because they had to put the bikes somewhere. Suddenly, Ida got really dizzy and stuff and she was like: "Just go without me, I have to sit down." Poor baby! So Thea and I went to the bank, so Thea could get some of her money. When we came back Ida was feeling much better, so we went into the supermarket.

We walked around, found a lot of candy, cake and stuff and filmed each other for our new youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/talktothecamera - check it out!). It was so much fun, really!

We walked home and it was a LONG walk! We had two bags filled with groceries, my big bag with all my stuff and two bikes. But we talked and the weather was pretty good, so it was okay! At some point, Ida and I sang My Chemical Romance. Emoxcore bitches, I know.

We came home, unpacked and just started having fun! We saw my DVD with Christian Fuhlendorff – The funniest Danish comedian EVER and ate candy.

NOM! Chocolate mousse.

Ida looking at something on Thea’s laptop.

SATURDAY/CONCERTS: Ginger Ninja in Glumsø.

We woke up at 12.30AM and decided to watch the rest of Amityville Horror (we went to bed before we saw the whole movie), while we edited our first movie to our channel.

The day was kind of chilled… Until about 3PM. I went to take a shower, and afterwards we got all stressed! I had tons of clothes with me and I didn’t knew what to wear! I found out, though, and I looked pretty damn good! Thea did my make-up and it was really pretty! But we took over the bathroom for a couple of hours.

Editing in the bathroom.

Ida, the scenequeen.

Thea's grandma picked us up and we had dinner at her place, before going to the "venue", which was the cinema. The others thought I was embarrassing, because I was wearing a plastic bag on my head, so my hair wouldn't get all curly, because of the rain.

We came to the cinema and got inside. There were an okay amount of people at that time, but unfortunately everybody was sitting down! We said hello to some people and sat down on some chairs, talking a bit. We also interviewed both Mikkel and Ihan outside the cinema. Ida and I was sitting on our chairs, when Thea suddenly said: "You have to move. The band has to get on stage." Eh, what? The guys from Ginger Ninja ran by us and jumped on stage, kind of weird! But when they got on stage everyone stood up and ran to the stage. Yay! I was standing between Thea and Ida in front of the bassist, Carl.

The concert started (I think the first song was Wet Like A Dog), and they were so great live, just as I remembered them! They had a really great connection with the fans, said that we were so awesome and amazing and all kinds of stuff. Someone in the crowd yelled: "PLAY SOMETHING WE KNOW!" They had already played two songs I knew, so… But the leadsinger, Henrik, said: "If you know Ginger Ninja, you know this song." And then they played Sunshine. Aw!

One of the highlights of the concert was DEFINETLY when they played Bone Will Break Metal. During the first verse Carl looked me in the eyes and pointed at me. Garh, I was about to faint, really! There's just something about that guy… Oh well, during Bone Will Break Metal everybody just freaked out, jumped and danced. My neck is still a bit sore, from the "headbanging"!

The concert ended and Ginger Ninja would go "backstage" and then come out and talk to people. I saw Thea and Ida talking to the Henrik and when he left, they came to me and said that we could interview them afterwards, for Talk to the Camera! While we waited for the band I saw that Carl had left his drumsticks on stage (he had played on some small drums in some songs), and I took them. I gave one to a guy who wanted to give it to his girlfriend. Carl actually saw me standing with the drumstick, and he laughed and said that it was okay that I took it. Afterwards he told one of his band mates: "It's the first time someone took my drumstick. Cool!"

After about 20 – 30 minutes we got the band gathered "backstage". They sat down and the interview started. They were really sweet and down to earth and everything. We asked them about their favorite artist, and they started talking about who they wanted to marry. Wtf?! Haha.

After about 15 minutes we said goodbye to the guys, and I got Carl to sign the drumstick. We walked home, while being all fangirl'ish and happy, even though it was raining.

We used the rest of the night on baking and eating cake, watching TV, writing a song and playing The Sims 3. We went to bed at 3.30AM and fell asleep immediately.

(click to make the thumbnails bigger)


Thea woke me up at 1PM, telling me that breakfast was ready. The day was pretty chilled, nothing big. It was Sunday, so…

Thea followed Ida and I to the train, and I was in Ringsted at 5PM.


Sorry for the lack of blogging, but I hope this long post will make up for it. I had loads of fun with Ida and Thea, and I can't wait for this weekend, where they will come to Ringsted! <3


Every year my family and I go on vacation together, in a rented house here in Denmark.
But this year, it's the last time.

1st picture; My mom and my grandparent's old dog.
2nd picture; Me, in the pool room.
3rd picture; My cousin's waffle, with ice cream and jam.
4th picture; My cousin and I.


It's quite weird thinking about, but then again; next year I'm 18 and I probably won't find it as fun anymore. Last year I actually thought about not going, the only thing that held me back, was that I didn't had anywhere to stay, the whole week (my dad was working, my mom was going with us and my best friend, Thea, was in Spain). I ended up having a really good time, so…

I just know that I'll enjoy it so much more this year, not only because it's the last year, but because we're going to a different place. We usually go to a place near the beach and this beach-town. This year it's near a big city, and I know that some of the clubs are having 16+ parties, so that's going to be great!


Finally I moved from wordpress to blogg.se!
Worpress was really getting on my nerves and with a little help, from the wonderful Jeanette, I know have this beautiful little blog. 

I won't take my time telling you who I am, because I guess most of you guys already knows? ;) This blog is going to be kind of different; I'll still post my CONCERTS-posts (next up; Tokio Hotel in Essen), but I'll also blog about clothes and do an "outfit of the day/week/month"-thing. Not every day, though. I'm too busy. 

My life is pretty hectic at the moment; In two months or so I'm done with my first year on Ringsted Gymnasium. Then it's time for the summer holiday, which is going to be great. If everything goes according to my plan, I'm going to Germany with my bestie, Thea, and her grandma. It will be pretty expensive, and that's why I'm looking for a new job.
This summer is also the last time my grandparents are arranging the "family vacation". It's basically a whole week where me, my brother, my cousins, my aunt, my uncle and his wife, my mom and my grandparents (a lot of people, yes) rent a house and have fun. We usually do it around Marielyst, but this year it's in Nykøbing, close to the city.
But since my cousin, Nicolai, and I are turning 18 next year this is going to be the last year of the vacation. It's a bit sad, but I know that next year I'd rather want to hang out with my friends and stuff. Plus, I can do what I want at that time, since I'm 18.

OH! And Look what I've got.

Yeah yeah, April 29 I am going to see Kill Hannah! I've seen them live one time before, and they were great back then. They just have to play Crazy Angel and then I'm a happy!

Well well, I gotta go now. Have to do a physics assignment. Hope to "see" you soon.

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